Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Alcanada Golf Course - Green Grass..

By law all the golf courses in Mallorca have to irrigate with 'brown water' - water cleaned & recycled from a sewage plant. Golf Alcanada receives its irrigation water from the recycling plant in Puerto de Alcudia. This water has a very high percentage of salinity. Because of this, the designers of Golf Alcanada choose the most salt tolerant type of grass on the market, called “Seashore Paspalum”.

This type of grass is similar to the Bermuda grass and is called a warm-season grass because it becomes dormant in the cooler winter months (In Mallorca between December and February) and turns grey-brownish during this time.

In order to keep the conditions of the playing areas during the winter as perfect as possible, Golf Alcanada have been overseeding tees, fairways and greens every September with a one-season winter grass. The result of the overseeding has to date been satisfactory, except for the greens. This is because immediately after seeding, the greens have to be cut to the correct height in order to allow play. Therefore the new grass has very little chance to establish, mature and grow properly. Consequently, the structure and colour of the greens in the winter months are not always satisfactory.

Although Club de Golf Alcanada has a very good reputation in Europe and is often mentioned positively in the professional media, they have taken the decision to change the grass of the greens in order to further improve and upgrade the quality of the course. The new type of grass “Seaside II, Creeping Bentgrass” will have the same colour and structure throughout the year. This decision was only possible after the installation of a new desalination plant to improve the quality of the irrigation water the local authorities supply.

Changing the greens will interfere with play, and to minimise the disturbance and avoid having to close the course, Club de Golf Alcanada are going to establish provisional greens on each hole. However, in June and July they will need to close 9 holes in order to get the work done as quickly as possible.

During the time of construction the normal price will change to:-

June: 18 holes (twice the back nine): €70,-

July: 18 holes (twice the front nine, with provisional greens): €60,-

August: 18 holes, partly with provisional greens: €75,-

September: 18 holes partly with provisional greens: €85,-

By the beginning of October all greens should be back in play and therefore the price will return to the original price of €105,-

Alcanada Golf have issued the following statement:-

"We are convinced that making this change is in everybody’s interest and will meet with your understanding. Through this improvement, we will not only improve the quality of the greens but also the overall satisfaction to play our course."

For discounted green fee prices, please contact